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sparrow resting on a tree

Birdwatching in your backyard: how to start?

Are you interested in watching birds? Just a couple of things are needed to welcome more birds to your own backyard. It all starts with the right food and accommodations.
November 22, 2023 — Lyndsey Mans-Kuipers
robin in the wood

Adding Bird Feeders to Your Garden - Worth It

From offering a safe spot for migrating birds, to promoting biodiversity and your wellbeing - here's some of the leading reasons why adding a bird feeder to your garden is a great choice.
November 10, 2023 — Yin Liang
birds and windows

Practical Tips for Bird-Strike Prevention that Every Bird Enthusiast Can Do

Harmonizing with our avian friends has always been a fundamental goal for bird lovers and nature conservationists. Unfortunately, the increasing threat of window collisions is a direct consequence of human progress. Come find out more tips for bird-strike prevention with Birdfy.
November 03, 2023 — Yin Liang
spooky crow

Halloween Special: Spooky Bird Myths and Legends

Humans have had a complex relationship with birds, ranging from hunting and breeding to their protection. This relationship has evolved as bird culture has become ingrained in human civilization, with birds frequently appearing in religion, art, and mythology. Let's learn about this interesting knowledge and enjoy the atmosphere of an amazing Halloween.
October 29, 2023 — Neal Liu
black-capped chickadees

The National Audubon Society: Bird Conservation and the Complex Legacy of Audubon

Discover the enchanting world of bird conservation with the National Audubon Society (NAS), a venerable organization with a history spanning 118 years. This article invites bird lovers to explore NAS's remarkable journey, uncover the secrets of bird protection, learn about its rich heritage, and join us in preserving the avian wonders of our world.
October 27, 2023 — Yin Liang
Stephen Moss: The Surprising Stories Behind Bird Names

Stephen Moss: The Surprising Stories Behind Bird Names

One of the joys of using the Netvue Birdfy in your backyard or garden is that you soon get to know the regular visitors. Whether you are in the USA or Canada or, as I am, in the UK, you’ll enjoy seeing robins, blackbirds, warblers and sparrows. But wait a moment – just because these birds have such familiar names, doesn’t mean they are the same species, or even from the same bird family.
October 23, 2023 — Stephen Moss
the Northern Cardinal on fence

Unveiling Cardinals: 12 Fascinating Facts about These Red Beauties

Whether you're an ardent cardinal enthusiast or simply captivated by their striking red plumage, this article is sure to provide you with a wealth of intriguing discoveries about these beautiful birds. Join us on a journey to uncover more about our crimson-feathered friends.
October 20, 2023 — Yin Liang

Fun Facts About Bird Eggs

Everyone loves birds, but have you ever wondered what the purpose of the eggs that carry the birds is, let me reveal one to you first, which is that nowadays there is a similarity between bird eggs and dinosaur eggs. Check out our article to explore interesting facts about bird eggs!
October 20, 2023 — Neal Liu

The Best Time of Day for Birdwatching: Discovering Nature's Rhythm

The right time for bird watching can effectively increase your chances of seeing birds, morning and evening are both great for bird watching. Any time of the year is a good time to go out bird watching, as long as you are willing to take the step to go out and explore and thus enjoy everything that happens along the way.

bird flapping

What is the Spiritual Meaning of a Bird Flying in Your House?

Spotting carefree wild birds in nature or pet birds in people's homes is common. However, have you ever witnessed a wild bird flying into someone's house? Could there be hidden meanings behind this scenario? This article delves into the possible spiritual interpretations of a bird flying into your house, considering auspicious and ominous indications.
October 17, 2023 — Yin Liang
identifying birds in backyards&garden

Stephen Moss:Identifying Birds in your Backyard & Garden

Have you ever experienced a moment where you witnessed a beautiful bird but couldn't identify its name? If you are new to backyard or garden birding, you may find that identifying birds can be a daunting task. So here’s a step-by-step guide to identifying birds, which will help you get the most out of your Birdfy experience.
September 28, 2023 — Stephen Moss
Are Birds Mammals?

Are Birds Mammals?

"Are birds mammals?" has been debated for a long time. Here we'll examine "Why can't birds be considered mammals?" Is there any birds that are mammals? What are the key differences and similarities between these two types of animals?
First, let's start with the answer: Birds are not mammals. Although both birds and mammals can be found all over the world, birds are Aves while mammals are Mammalia. They have very different physical and biological characteristics.
August 01, 2023 — Noah William