User Story: It's ALL About Chickens

Memories with Chickens: A Feathered Journey
I live in an apartment and they tend to frown on keeping chickens in your apartment. The chickens roost on the balcony railings and make a real mess on the floor beneath, so no chickens. I do remember the first chicken I had, I was about eight years old and I got an Easter biddy. Now I've always wondered , is it "biddy" or "bitty"? Well when you don't know something , what do you do? You go to Google! So I Googled it and the answer is, "biddy” can be a small chicken or an elderly woman that tends to nosy into other peoples business. So there you have it, even Mr. Webster agreed and that makes it unanimous, Biddy it is. Bitty is just something small like , that girl is wearing an itty, bitty bikini. Back to the chickens. You could say and I agree that giving a small child an Easter biddy borders on cruelty . The child, through no fault on his own, thinks of that biddy as a play toy and very few biddies live past Easter. Mine was an exception. My grandparents made sure I treated that biddy well. Pop built me a small pen, called a chicken coop, Mom showed me how and what to feed it and how to handle it so as not to hurt it. That biddy grew into a full grown chicken and was able to roam the yard with all the rest of the chickens. She lived to ten or twelve years and laid an egg almost every day.
Hatching Happiness: Stories from the Coop
My next experience with chickens was when my daughter, Joanie, had a science project which was to hatch two chicken eggs. So what do daughters do when they have a problem, of course, they go to dear old dad, he can do anything. I don't know about doing anything but I did learn a lot from my granddaddy. I proceeded to build an incubator, which was a wooden box with a light socket installed, a light bulb was used for heat , and a piece of glass for the top. I got two eggs from a friend and neighbor , I knew the eggs were fertile because his chickens ran loose and you can bet on every egg being fertile. We put the eggs in the incubator and waited. you have to turn them every day and Joanie was very diligent about seeing after them.

The Accidental Chicken Farmer: Adventures in Aviculture
