What do hummingbirds eat? - Ultimate Guide

by iris wang on Jan 17, 2024
Table of Contents


    Hummingbirds are high-metabolism captivating birds in the world. They are amazing to watch for their beautiful and delightful colors and amazing flying abilities. However, understanding what these tiny birds eat is also fascinating.

    In this article, I will explore the different diets of hummingbirds, from their favorite food to their diet plan for different (summer, spring, fall, and winter) seasons. Let's dive into the hummingbird's diet routine:

    What do all hummingbirds eat?

    Hummingbirds have a big diet list that maintains their energy, protein, minerals, and salts. Their main and most important food source is nectar. Nectar provides the essential sugar they need for their lifestyles. However, they also consume insects and spiders to get protein. Let's dive deeper into their diet list. 

    What do hummingbirds like to eat the most?

    # Nectar

    Hummingbirds eat different foods for energy, protein, minerals, salt, and different things. But Nectar is the most important food hummingbirds like to eat. Nectar is the main and popular food source for them. Hummingbirds mainly feed on nectar from different flowering plants. Hummingbird Nectar is filled with 20% of sugar and 80% water. Hummingbirds get nectar from various types of flowers like bee balm, salvia, cardinal flowers, petunias, etc. These flowers have long tubular shapes that are perfect for hummingbirds to reach their long bills inside. But daily, people will feed them with sugar water as a solution.

    # Insects and Spiders

    Nectar is the primary energy source for all types of hummingbirds. Besides energy, hummingbirds also need protein. Such insects like spiders, mosquitoes, aphids, and fruit flies fill their protein. They eat small insects like gnats, fruit flies, spiders, and aphids. All these insects provide them with great amino acids for muscle growth and daily life.

    # Sap

    When nectar is scarce, hummingbirds will sip tree sap from wells drilled by woodpeckers. While the tree sap is not as sweet as floral nectar, it still provides an adequate source of sucrose for a hummingbird’s energy needs.

    The Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker's feeding behavior in North American deciduous forests significantly contributes to hummingbird survival. The family of Yellow-Bellied Sapsuckers, a type of woodpecker found in Eastern Canada, creates numerous tiny, aligned holes in trees deep enough to allow sap to flow out. These trees in deciduous and broadleaf forests can sometimes appear as if an automated machine has drilled hundreds of these small holes.

    In an intriguing interaction between two species in the wild, a hummingbird is drawn to the freshly created sweet sap. It hovers near the holes, intermittently dipping its tiny beak to drink the sap. The hummingbird competes with various insects that are also attracted to the sugar-filled sap leaking from the holes.

    Returning Sapsuckers drink from the previously made holes while resting, and they occasionally take advantage of opportunistic small meals, such as ants that wander into the holes and meet their end. The remarkable feeding behavior of the Ruby-Throated Hummingbird, which ensures it has a proper diet, may explain why so many nectar-feeding birds can thrive even in environments where nectar is scarce.

    What do hummingbirds eat in different seasons?

    Hummingbirds eat flowers nectar, insects, and fruits in the different seasons. Hummingbirds change their diet list in different seasons. Here is the table for a better understanding:


    Main Foods

    Additional Notes


    Nectar from flowers

    Insects and spiders for protein


    Nectar from flowers

    Lots of insects available for protein


    More insects and spiders

    Building up fat reserves for migration


    Remaining flowers and insects

    Hummingbirds in warmer areas find food easier

    During the spring and summer, they get huge quantities of nectar when the flowers are in their best form. This is also the best season to consume insects. In this season hummingbirds eat insects such as spiders, fruit flies, and gnats and consume as much as protein they need. In fall when the flowers begin to fade hummingbirds increase to eat insects and spiders. Finally in winter hummingbirds migrate to warmer climates to eat flowers and insects.

    What time of the day do hummingbirds eat ?

    Hummingbirds are most active during the early morning and late afternoon. This is the best time to consume nectar and insects because this time flowers reproduce the most nectar and insects are most active. They eat frequently throughout the day to maintain their energy levels. Remember hummingbirds have a high metabolism that's why they need more energy and protein.

    What fruits do hummingbirds eat?

    Fruits are not the main food source for hummingbirds. However, they might sip the juice from damaged fruits. We need to know that hummingbirds do not eat fruits directly. Hummingbirds sometimes eat high sugar content like damaged apples, grapes,  bananas, berries, and oranges. These fruits do not maintain their high protein or energy but they provide an additional sugar source when flowers are not producing much nectar.

    What kind of plants do hummingbirds eat?

    Hummingbirds love those kind of plants that have large amounts of nectar. Some of their favorite plants are:

    • Bee Balm (Monarda): Known for its bright red flowers.
    • Salvia: Comes in various colors, including red, blue, and purple.
    • Cardinal Flower: Vibrant red flowers that are particularly attractive to hummingbirds.
    • Petunias: Available in many colors and easy to find in gardens.

    These plants not only provide nectar but also attract insects, giving hummingbirds a dual food source.

    What kind of seeds do hummingbirds eat?

    Hummingbirds do not eat seeds. They mainly eat nectar and insects which provide them energy and protein. Seeds do not provide the necessary sugar and protein. However, they consume tiny seeds unintentionally while hunting for insects.

    What insects do hummingbirds eat?

    Hummingbirds eat a variety of small insects, including:

    • Gnats: Tiny flying insects that are easy for hummingbirds to catch.
    • Fruit Flies: Often found near overripe fruit.
    • Aphids: Small, sap-sucking insects found on plants.
    • Ants: Occasionally eaten if they invade flowers or feeders.

    These insects provide the protein necessary for their diet, particularly during breeding seasons.

    Diet difference between male and female


    Main Foods

    Additional Notes


    Nectar from flowers

    Hunts for insects and spiders for protein


    Nectar from flowers

    Eats more insects and spiders when preparing to lay eggs


    Nectar, insects, and spiders

    Females consume slightly more protein during the breeding season

    Male and Female hummingbirds have similar diet plans. But there are slight differences in their protein food. Females consume more protein-rich insects during the breeding season when preparing to lay eggs. Females mainly eat a lot of protein to develop healthy eggs and get enough energy for raising their babies.

    Do hummingbirds change color based on what they eat?

    Hummingbirds do not change color based on their diet. Their colorful plumage is due to microscopic platelets in their feathers that reflect light. However, their diet does influence their health and energy levels, which can affect their overall appearance.

    What do female hummingbirds eat when they are preparing to lay eggs?

    When the time is for preparing to lay eggs, female hummingbirds increase more insects and spiders in their diet plan to get more protein they need. This diet helps them to develop more energy and nutrients needed for eggs and raising their chicks.

    What do baby hummingbirds eat ?

    Baby hummingbirds do not eat directly. They are completely dependent on their mother to get more food and energy. Mother hummingbirds feed their baby insects and nectar. This mixed diet provides baby hummingbirds with the necessary protein and energy for their growth and development.

    What do fledgling hummingbirds eat?

    Are you hearing this sound (fledgling) first time in your life? don't worry I am explaining now. Fledgling hummingbirds are those kind of hummingbirds that have just left their nest but are not fully independent. They do not eat a diet similar to adult hummingbirds. However, they are learning to consume nectar and insects. Also, they continue to train until they are fully dependent on themselves.

    What does a hummingbird eat during its migration?

    During migration, hummingbirds need more energy for their long journeys. They increase to take more nectar and insects to ensure they have enough energy. Hummingbirds often visit hummingbirds' feeder and flowering plants during their migration. That's why we need to hang more and more bird feeders to provide them with enough food.

    Different species of hummingbirds' diet


    Main Foods

    Additional Notes


    Nectar from red/orange flowers

    Prefers trumpet creeper and bee balm


    Nectar from garden plants

    Often visits salvia and fuchsia


    Nectar from various flowers

    Feeds on larkspur and paintbrush


    Nectar from a variety of flowers

    Often found at feeders, likes desert willow


    Nectar from alpine flowers

    Prefers Columbine and sage


    Nectar from desert plants

    Likes agave and chuparosa


    Nectar from many flowers

    Aggressive feeder enjoys red tubular flowers

    Hummingbird Hawk Moths

    Nectar from flowers

    Not a hummingbird, but mimics their feeding habits

    Different species of hummingbirds have different diet plans based on their habitats and the availability of food. Ruby-throated hummingbird prefers red and orange tubular flowers like trumpet creeper and bee balm. Anna's hummingbird frequently visits garden plants like salvia and fuchsia. The rufous hummingbird is known for its aggressive feeding habits and wide range of flowers. Here is the table of different species of hummingbirds' diets:

    What do hummingbirds eat in the rainforest?

    Hummingbirds have access a huge areas in rainforest to consume different flowering plants and insects. They feed on the nectar from exotic flowers such as heliconias and passionflowers. Also, they hunt a variety of tropical insects.

    What do hummingbirds eat in the desert?

    Some species of hummingbirds live in the desert. Living in the desert they adapted to the environment by feeding on desert plants like agave and ocotillo. These plants are the best food source for hummingbirds that contain sugar-rich nectar even in harsh conditions. They also consume some desert insects to get much protein they need. 

    How to Attract Hummingbirds to Your Backyard?

    Based on the hummingbirds' diet and features, here are some tips that can help you to attract hummingbirds to your backyard or garden.

    1. Provide Safe Spaces

    If you want to feed the birds in nature, keeping your garden in a safe place is the key point! It means, keeping cats indoors and ensuring bird feeders are positioned away from areas where predators might lurk.

    2. Use Red Colors

    Hummingbirds are attracted to the color red. Consider hanging red ribbons or using red feeders. In fact, you can find there are all selling red hummingbird feeders on the market. Like Birdfy hummee extension, red flowers attract these birds.

    3. Fill Hanging Feeders with Nectar

    Attract hummingbirds by filling a feeder with nectar. Using sugar water can work.

    Here's a step-by-step guide to making sugar water with sugar and water

    1. Boil the water to kill any bacteria or mold present.
    2. Remove the water from the heat and add the sugar (4 parts water and one-part white granulated sugar).
    3. Stir until the sugar completely dissolves.
    4. Allow the mixture to cool before filling the feeder.
    5. Any leftover nectar can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one week.

    Important Tips:

    • Do not use honey, brown sugar, or artificial sweeteners as these can be harmful to hummingbirds.
    • Avoid adding red dye to the mixture. While hummingbirds are attracted to red, the dye is unnecessary and may be harmful to the birds.
    • Clean your hummingbird feeders regularly to prevent mold and bacterial growth.

    4. Provide a Water Source

    Like other birds, hummingbirds need fresh water for drinking and bathing. A shallow dish of clean water or a bird bath can help attract these birds.

    5. Plant Hummingbird-Friendly Plants

    If there is a condition, you can plant hummingbird-friendly plants in your backyard to make it more attractive. Like, have brightly colored, tubular, scentless flowers. Some great examples include trumpet honeysuckle, bee balm, and hummingbird sage.


    Hummingbirds are amazing birds with a diet that is as fascinating as their vibrant plumage and incredible flying abilities. Their primary food source nectar provides the energy they need, while insects and spiders provide protein. Understanding their diet plan habits helps us appreciate these tiny birds even more and allows us to support them by planting nectar-rich flowers and providing feeders. By doing so, we can enjoy the beauty and wonder of hummingbirds in our backyards.


    Great info, but nothing about how to supplement their protein needs in the winter. We have many birds winter over in Oregon.

    Steve | Jan 23, 2025

    Alot of great info

    Edith | Aug 22, 2024

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