The Ultimate Way of Preventing Squirrels

by Lucy Guo on Jul 30, 2024
Table of Contents


    How to Prevent Squirrels from Eating Plants

    The Most Straightforward Way - Scaring Squirrels Away

    Some tried scaring the squirrels away, but squirrels just stared back and didn’t work at all. This method turned out to be a complete fail. It's clear that squirrels are not easily intimidated and will continue to approach despite attempts to frighten them.

    The Chili Pepper Way

    Sprinkling chili pepper or paprika on the soil might work temporarily since it is written on the book that squirrels dislike chili pepper, so someone tried sprinkling it on the soil. It worked until it rained, after which the squirrels resumed digging. This method has its merits but isn’t reliable in wet conditions. The chili pepper's effectiveness is limited to dry days, making it only a temporary solution.

    The Most Effective Method - Using Chicken Wire

    The most effective method our customer found was using chicken wire. Covering the planters with chicken wire, cutting it slightly bigger than the container, securing it with paddle wire, and didn’t see any more squirrel attacks. This method has proven to be a sturdy and reliable way to protect plants from squirrels, keeping them at bay consistently.

    A More 'Nutritional' Way - Adding a layer of mulch

    To protect early sprouts from frost, some tried adding a thick layer of mulch or compost on top, which helps keep them safe and healthy. This additional protection ensures that the plants can thrive despite early sprouting and potential frost damage.

    Physical Way -Using the obstacle Around

    Also, some customers suggested using plastic spoons, forks, and even toothpicks around the containers to deter squirrels. These tips are creative and simple. Sanaa plans to try these methods and update on their effectiveness later. This shows a community effort in finding practical solutions to common gardening problems.

    How to Prevent Squirrels from the Bird Feeder

    A new use for soap

    Squirrels dislike strong scents, especially minty ones. Hanging a bar of strong soap in a sock near the bird feeder can help keep squirrels away. The fragrance acts as a natural deterrent, ensuring the squirrels stay far from the feeder.

    Give up resistance and feed the squirrels

    Another approach is to feed the squirrels themselves. By putting a feeder on the ground filled with peanuts or dried corn—two of their favorite foods—you can distract them from the bird feeder. The idea is that a well-fed squirrel won't bother with the bird feeder, leaving your birds in peace.

    Creative Ways of chasing away squirrels:

    Placing Seeds onto the Water Balloons

    One creative method is to place nuts on a water balloon. Although squirrels are careful when eating the seeds, they can’t prevent the balloon from bursting. The sudden blast scares them away. However, their determination to get the nuts often leads to repeated attempts, causing the balloon to burst again each time.

    Seeds on a Slippery Slide

    Place squrrles favorites at the top of a slippery slide. The squirrels try their hardest to climb up, but it's a comedy of errors as they keep sliding right back down. Even if one manages to reach the top, it’s only a moment before gravity takes over and down they go! It's a bit like watching a squirrel obstacle course with no winners.

    Squirrel Launcher

    Check out this creative solution on YouTube: Squirrel Launcher. This device is designed to launch squirrels away from your bird feeder in a harmless yet effective way. It's a fun, innovative approach that not only keeps your bird feeder safe but also provides endless entertainment.
    Luckily, the squirrels always land pretty steadily! Just imagine the surprised look on the squirrels' faces as they get a free ride through the air!|


    I noticed in my Birdfy feeder setup options the ability to enable/disable notifications for squirrels. This got me thinking. There should be an option with the Birdfy camera to trigger an alert (light flashing, sound, etc) if a squirrel is identified. This would scare off the squirrel but not birds. Of course I’m not sure how real-time the feeder is able to identify a squirrel so might not be practical.

    David Robertson | Jan 17, 2025

    How to keep squirrels out of your feeder. Select an area that is far enough away from trees, fence, or anything where a squirrel can climb and “jump” to the feeder. Once you find your location. Use a 4”x4” x 8’ post. Dig a hole roughly 3’ deep. Level your post and backfill. Mount your feeder. Purchase a three foot section of duct pipe that is 6 inch diameter that can be separated by unclipping. Screw one end to the post, usually three screws is enough, now simply wrap around the post until tight. Drill a pilot hole, and screw the final end to the post. Add Vaseline to the outer side, then spray a light coating of silicone. I use this method, and have no squirrels getting onto my feeder.

    Bruce | Aug 01, 2024

    I have tried all but the balloons. hope it works!

    Judy Bunter Ruggiero | Aug 01, 2024

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