Birdfy Fund: Reaching Globally to Empower Wildlife Conservation Efforts

by Lucy Guo on Jun 16, 2024
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    Since the launch of the Birdfy Fund project, Birdfy has collaborated on numerous cases from around the world, including those in Indonesia, Peru, Brazil, Canada, the United States, and more. These collaborations showcase Birdfy's commitment to wildlife conservation and biodiversity preservation.

    The Sumatra Camera Trap Project in Sumatra Indonesia

    The Sumatra Camera Trap Project focuses on wildlife conservation in Sumatra, using camera traps to monitor and protect endangered species such as the Sumatran tiger, sun bear, and Malayan tapir. The team documents these species to raise awareness and drive conservation efforts, engaging the public through donations, store purchases, art collaborations, and a documentary.

    Pungky Nanda Pratama, Co-Founder and Field Team Leader, has been dedicated to conservation since university, starting with volunteer work in East Java. He founded The Jungle Library Project in 2018, focusing on environmental education in Sumatra, and collaborates with local conservation agencies. Anthony Hearn, Co-Founder and Managing Director, has extensive experience in animal care, having worked in various roles since 2003. His career includes positions at Sealife Helsinki Aquarium and Helsinki Zoo, and he now manages a local children's farm in the UK. Anthony's expertise lies in data analysis, online presence, and educational outreach for conservation efforts.The project began from a conversation between Anthony Hearn and Pungky Nanda Pratama in February 2018, driven by their shared passion for nature conservation.Together, they aim to uncover the wildlife of these rainforests and engage the public in their discoveries!
    In May, Anthony reached out to Birdfy, sharing that he had purchased a Birdfy unit for personal use in the UK and loved the product so much. He inquired if Birdfy would sponsor a camera for Sumatra to help document the local birdlife, as their current equipment only targets mammals. Following an initial connection, it was discovered that Birdfy and the institution share a common vision—wildlife care.

    Birdfy aims to use technology and its products to benefit the environment and wildlife. This institution has now partnered with Birdfy and become a project collaborator of the Birdfy Fund. Birdfy has already donated several Birdfy Feeder Bamboo units to support their conservation projects and will provide livestreaming technical support. Both parties look forward to achieving more results together, making positive impacts on the environment, and encouraging more people to be aware of wildlife conservation.

    Tambopata Macaw Project in Peru

    The Tambopata Macaw Project, hosted by Rainforest Expeditions, is dedicated to the conservation and study of macaws and other parrots in the Tambopata region of the Peruvian Amazon. This initiative focuses on understanding the ecology and behavior of these vibrant birds, their cause is rooted in the need to protect these species from threats such as habitat destruction, illegal wildlife trade, and climate change.

    The vision of this Project is to foster a harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, where the preservation of macaws and their habitats can thrive. They envision a future where scientific research not only enhances our understanding of these magnificent birds but also inspires global action to protect the biodiversity of the Amazon rainforest. Through collaboration with local communities, researchers, and conservationists, they strive to create sustainable solutions that benefit both wildlife and people.
    After multiple discussions with Hugo Cliff, Birdfy team has identified promising collaboration opportunities with the Tambopata Macaw Project. The mutual goal is ambitious: to prevent the extinction of parrots in the Amazon forest. Birdfy cameras can monitor both inside and outside nests, capturing photos and videos to identify predators and understand the causes of chick mortality. Additionally, these cameras can help identify other animals and birds, contributing to broader biodiversity monitoring efforts.

    University of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil

    The Road and Railway Ecology Group at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil is a research group dedicated to studying and mitigating the impact of linear infrastructures on biodiversity. Over the past 15 years, they have focused on developing sampling and analytical methods, testing innovative mitigation solutions, and advocating for policies that reduce these impacts on local, regional, and national transport networks. They collaborate with public and private companies, environmental agencies at both state and national levels, NGOs, and consultancies to co-produce and disseminate actionable knowledge.

    Since 2017, this research group has been a voluntary partner in an initiative that established the first program in Latin America dedicated to mitigating amphibian roadkill, particularly targeting tree frogs. In 2022, undercrossings were installed, and the group has been working on improving fences to guide tree frogs towards these undercrossings, in collaboration with Animex. Despite the challenges posed by the climbing and jumping abilities of tree frogs, they continue to strive for success in demonstrating the use of these undercrossings by smaller animals.

    The Road and Railway Ecology Group at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, seeks to collaborate with Birdfy to utilize their cameras for monitoring small road undercrossings. These undercrossings, such as the Aco Climate Tunnel, aim to facilitate the movement of small vertebrates, including regionally endangered birds like the rufous-capped antthrush and the squamate antbird, across a protected area in Southern Brazil. Traditional wildlife camera traps have proven inadequate due to their inability to detect smaller animals.

    Birdfy cameras, with their small focal distance and precise movement sensors, solar power, Wi-Fi image transmission, and onboard storage, present a promising solution. The group aims to test six Birdfy cameras in these tunnels, combining them with Animex semi-permanent fences to reduce roadkill and restore connectivity. They hope this collaboration will lead to innovative applications for Birdfy cameras in broader conservation efforts beyond bird observation, including monitoring amphibians, small reptiles, and mammals.

    Friends of Pinery Park in Canada

    Friends of Pinery Park is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to supporting Ontario's second-largest provincial park, located in Southwestern Ontario. The organization raises funds for various projects that focus on helping species at risk, with a particular emphasis on bird conservation. Each year, Friends of Pinery Park holds an annual raffle to generate funds for the park, offering 3-5 tiered prizes and promoting the event over approximately eight months. The raffle's "Bird Package" is a key feature, prominently displayed at the Pinery Visitors Centre and promoted through social media and local publications.
    Amanda, the Chair for Friends of Pinery Park, has approached Birdfy to sponsor the prize pack for their annual raffle. In support of this event, Birdfy has donated their highly popular Bamboo Bird Feeder with a solar panel. Additionally, Birdfy has provided canvas bags, hoodies, and lens stickers to further support the initiative. These contributions will be featured prominently in the "Bird Package," helping to raise funds for conservation projects at Ontario's second-largest provincial park.

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