Smart and sassy, the Carolina wren is the most noticeable with its bold eyebrow, warm chestnut coloration, and yellowish flanks.
🐦Bird Introduction-Carolina Wren:
The Carolina wren is a common species of wren that is a resident in the eastern half of the USA, the extreme south of Ontario, Canada, and the extreme northeast of Mexico. Severe winters restrict the northern limits of their range while favorable weather conditions lead to a northward extension of their breeding range. Their preferred habitat is in dense cover in forests, farm edges, and suburban areas. This wren is the state bird of South Carolina.
Carolina Wren
📝Basic Info:
Scientific Name: Thryothorus ludovicianus
Lifespan: 6 years(average in the wild)
Size: 4.7–5.5 inches
Weight: 0.4–0.8 ounces (18–22 grams)
Wingspan: 11.4 inches

🌎Carolina Wren Distribution and Habitat:
Carolina wrens adapt to various habitats. Natural habitats include various types of woodland such as oak hardwoods and mixed oak-pine woodlands, ash, and elmwood, and hickory-oak woodlands with a healthy amount of tangled undergrowth. The preferred habitats are riparian forests, brushy edges, swamps, overgrown farmland, suburban yards with abundant thick shrubs and trees, and parks. It has an affinity for dilapidated buildings and unkempt yards in man-made areas. Subspecies Burleigh and neophiles inhabit slash pine and palmettos.

🌳Carolina Wren in the backyard:
Carolina Wrens often come to backyards if food is available and will visit your suet-filled feeders in winter.
During cold northern winters, these wrens will take shelter in nest boxes containing dried grasses, particularly boxes with slots rather than holes. In spring, they may nest in boxes, but they're just as likely to choose a hanging fern or an empty flower pot tucked away in a quiet corner of an overgrown backyard. Consider putting up a nest box to attract a breeding pair, but be sure to put it up well before breeding season. Attach a guard to keep predators from raiding eggs and young.
Carolina Wren
🪺Carolina Wren Breeding:
Carolina wrens are both genetically and socially monogamous and will usually mate for life. Mate changing is rare, and there has been one possible observation of polygamy. During the winter season, males are more responsible for guarding the territory. Females vary in succeeding in maintaining winter territories without a mate.
Egg-laying dates and clutch size vary by region.
In Texas, the time period is from late February to late August.
In Iowa, it ranges from late April to June.
The clutch size is generally 3 to 6 eggs but can reach as high as seven in Texas. The eggs are creamy-white with brown or reddish-brown spots and are more heavily marked at the broad end. The eggs are incubated by the female for 12–16 days. After the young hatch, they are fed exclusively on invertebrates and they fledge in 12–14 days.
Carolina Wren
🌟Carolina Wren and its similar species:
House Wren-House Wrens are smaller, darker brown, and shorter-tailed than Carolina Wrens. They also lack the white chest and eyebrow stripe of Carolina Wrens.
Bewick's Wren-Bewick's Wrens are a grayer, longer-tailed western counterpart of the Carolina Wren.
January 18, 2024 — Supported Customer

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