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orchard orioles image

All About Orchard Orioles

The Orchard Oriole, a small and vibrant bird, captivates bird enthusiasts across North America. Known for their striking plumage and melodic calls, these birds are a delight to observe. Understanding the habits and characteristics of Orchard Orioles can enhance your birdwatching experience. This article delves into all aspects of the Orchard Oriole, including their habitat, diet, calls, and breeding behaviors.
July 26, 2024 — Leah Lin
10 Most Beautiful Hummingbirds on Earth

10 Most Beautiful Hummingbirds on Earth

Ever seen a bird so small in size? So colorful it looks like it dipped in paint? Hummingbirds are that kind of bird. They are flying around your gardens and forest like feathered rainbows. With thousands of these species, we selected our own 10 special hummingbird species and we resized them in the ranking system.
July 24, 2024 — Emma Mo
Everything You Must Know About the Gray Catbird: A Comprehensive Guide

Everything You Must Know About the Gray Catbird: A Comprehensive Guide

Did you know that a Gray Catbird's song can last for up to 10 minutes? These cute creatures are commonly seen in North America and are beloved by bird lovers. In this blog, we'll explore the stories and behaviors of the Gray Catbird. Join us as we discover the world of this charming bird.

Best Bird Feeder for Cardinals

Best Bird Feeder for Cardinals

Cardinals, named for their vibrant red plumage, are beloved in North America for their striking appearance and melodious songs. Attracting cardinals to your yard can be achieved with the right bird feeders and food. The Birdfy Bird Feeder and Birdfy Bamboo Bird Feeder are top choices due to their sturdy designs, AI bird recognition, large capacities, and eco-friendly materials.
Freedom Birds

Freedom Birds

These regal birds remind us of the beauty of life, self-expression, and the importance of embracing new beginnings. Their presence signifies spiritual awakening and the need to trust in oneself. Peacock is a gift of the natural world. They reminds us the transformative power of freedom and the pursuit of one’s true potential.
Black and White Birds

Black and White Birds

Observing the stunning colors of different birds is often one of the excitement of being a bird lover. While colorful plumage can be captivating, black and white birds exemplify the beauty of minimalism. Let's discover the world of our duotone avian friends together. 
June 17, 2024 — James Huang
Thoughtful Retirement gifts: Birdfy Bird Feeders

Thoughtful Retirement gifts: Birdfy Bird Feeders

Retirement brings new adventures and challenges, like finding identity without a job and filling free time. The Birdfy Bird Feeder Camera makes the perfect retirement gift, celebrating achievements and promoting relaxation. With its smart camera and AI, Birdfy adds tech fun and suits various styles, from simple to chic. It helps retirees learn new technology and bird behaviors.
June 14, 2024 — Leah Lin
Weird Names of Birds

Weird Names of Birds

Bird names are a mix of the scientific and the whimsical, with some names sounding like novel characters instead of real creatures. Today, we will explore some of the weirdest and funniest bird names out there, uncovering the stories behind them. Get ready for a fascinating journey through avian nomenclature and stories behind these cute creatures.
Top 7 Holiday Birds: Winter Wilderness Delight

Top 7 Holiday Birds: Winter Wilderness Delight

irds symbolize hope, renewal, and spiritual messages among various culture as well. Let's read more about holidays birds and engaging in birdwatching and conservation which can foster community and enriches our holiday experience.
June 07, 2024 — Leah Lin
Best Bird Feeders: A Guide to Attract Cardinals

Best Bird Feeders: A Guide to Attract Cardinals

Cardinals are among the most beloved and popular birds in North America, known for their striking red plumage and beautiful songs. Attracting these birds to your yard can bring a burst of color and a sense of joy, especially during the winter months when many other birds have migrated south. 
May 31, 2024 — Joy Li
Best Bird Seeds for Backyard Birds

Best Bird Seeds for Backyard Birds

Feeding birds measn alot to bird, especially during seasons when natural food sources are scarce due to harsh weather conditions or habitat loss. Our Nutritional Specialty Blends and Single Origin products offer nourishment for a variety of wild birds, like Black Oil Sunflower, Millet, and Safflower Seed to attract your favorite backyard birds.
May 29, 2024 — Joy Li
Birds of Indiana

Birds of Indiana

From woodlands to wetlands, Indiana's rich habitats provide homes for a wide variety of birds. Whether you're a seasoned birder or new to the world of birding, let's soar through Indiana's fascinating world of birds!
April 30, 2024 — Stella Huang