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Stephen Moss: Breeding Birds

Stephen Moss: Breeding Birds

Our Global Consultant, Stephen Moss, will guide us in exploring the diverse breeding strategies birds use. Some species raise only one brood per season, while others manage multiple broods to maximize their reproductive success. Stephen will also share his inspirational insights on how we can help young birds survive and thrive.
June 05, 2024 — Stephen Moss
Stephen Moss :Visit to Shenzhen

Stephen Moss : Visit to Shenzhen

Explore Shenzhen, China, through the eyes of renowned ornithologist Stephen Moss. Delve into his fascinating tour with the city's local unique birds inhabitants during his visit to the Netvue Technologies headquarters. He has met so many feathered friends such as red-whiskered bulbuls and the very dark-backed race of the white wagtail.
March 13, 2024 — Stephen Moss
bird courtship

Stephen Moss: Bird Courtship

In the northern hemisphere, March is the month that – with the passing of the Spring Equinox – sees the transition between the end of winter and the beginning of spring. And in the bird world, this means that the breeding season is well underway, with males and females forming into pairs, using birdsong and courtship displays.
February 15, 2024 — Stephen Moss
bird singing

Stephen Moss: Birdsong

February may still be the depths of winter in the northern hemisphere, but with the days getting lighter and nights shorter, birds are preparing for the breeding season to come – in song!
February 01, 2024 — Stephen Moss
helping birds in winter season

Stephen Moss: Getting Ready for Winter

Discover the problems birds face during the cold winter months and what can we do to help them survive with Stephen Moss and Birdfy!Winter is a tough time for birds – especially the smaller species that visit our backyards and gardens, and which we enjoy seeing on our Birdfy feeder cameras
November 13, 2023 — Stephen Moss
Stephen Moss: The Surprising Stories Behind Bird Names

Stephen Moss: The Surprising Stories Behind Bird Names

One of the joys of using the Netvue Birdfy in your backyard or garden is that you soon get to know the regular visitors. Whether you are in the USA or Canada or, as I am, in the UK, you’ll enjoy seeing robins, blackbirds, warblers and sparrows. But wait a moment – just because these birds have such familiar names, doesn’t mean they are the same species, or even from the same bird family.
October 23, 2023 — Stephen Moss
identifying birds in backyards&garden

Stephen Moss:Identifying Birds in your Backyard & Garden

Have you ever experienced a moment where you witnessed a beautiful bird but couldn't identify its name? If you are new to backyard or garden birding, you may find that identifying birds can be a daunting task. So here’s a step-by-step guide to identifying birds, which will help you get the most out of your Birdfy experience.
September 28, 2023 — Stephen Moss