The Five Big UK Owls- A Guide to Britain's Iconic Raptors

by NINGLiya on Feb 04, 2025
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    Owls are fascinating birds that are most active during the night. Much of what people know about them is that they have large eyes, fluffy bodies, and go ‘hoo-hoo.’ It is worthwhile to point out some general peculiarities that especially embrace owls; owls can see well at night and fly without any noise. These birds are much appreciated by many people mainly because of the plumage's peculiarity and beauty.

    In the UK, there are five large groups of owls. All are different in their appearance, functioning, and activity. Let’s know more about each of these incredible birds and how they spend their respective lives.

    The Five Big UK Owls

    Owls are not only beautiful birds but wise and true masters of hunter’s craft on the face of the earth. Every one of the five large owls in the United Kingdom is unique in some way. 

    Barn Owl

    The Barn Owl has a heart-shaped face and golden-white feathers. It hunts quietly at night, eating mice and small animals.

    Scientific Name: Tyto alba

    Habitat: Barn owls live in fields, meadows, and farmlands. They prefer areas with receptive territory where they may capture little animals.

    Migration: Barn owls do not travel long distances, and migration to a new location is rare.

    Appearance: They have white faces, golden coats, and downy white feathers. One can distinguish them by the contours of their faces – great and rather tender hearts.

    Beak: Regarding the structure, the barn owl has a small, sharp beak that enables it to hunt and feed on small animals.

    Feathers: Their soft plumage makes little or no sound when flying, favoring them when hunting.

    Feeding Habits: Barn owls feed on mice, rats, shrews, and other small animals. They hunt late at night, so there is very little activity.

    Nesting Behaviors: As its name suggests, barn owls prefer to nest in a barn, other abandoned structures, or even tree cavities.

    Mating Behaviors: These owls are monogamous. Once they form a bond, they will stick with their partner until death. Both males and females make soft sounds to call each other.

    Breeding Season: Barn owls reproduce between spring and early summer.

    What Does Its Eggs Like? Barn owl eggs are small and white. The female commonly lays 4 to 7 eggs at one time.

    What Does Its Fledglings Look Like? Young barn owls, also known as fledglings, are downy and white. They develop feathers as they age or grow up.

    Tawny Owl

    Tawny owls are brown and camouflage themselves in trees. They are usually famous for their “twit-twoo” call and prefer wooden areas as their habitat.

    Scientific Name: Strix aluco

    Habitat: Tawny owls live in forests, parks, and gardens. They prefer areas of high-density wood.

    Migration: They don’t travel far and often stay in the same area for years.

    Appearance: Tawny owls are light with black spots all over their bodies. They also go well with tree bark.

    Beak: They have a short, sharp beak that helps them grab food.

    Feathers: Tawny owl feathers are thick and soft. This explains why these birds can fly without making any noise.

    Feeding Habits: Their diets consist of mice, birds, and insects. They hunt at night.

    Nesting Behaviors: These owls are hole nesters and may locate a home in tree holes or deserted nests.

    Mating Behaviors: Tawny male owls become vocal to attract a female’s attention, and the calls are deafening. They usually have a long-term relationship with the same partner.

    Breeding Season: They breed in early spring.

    What Does Its Eggs Like? Tawny owl eggs are small and delicate. They can be shades of white and slightly rounded at the larger end. The female lays about 2- 4 eggs.

    What Does Its Fledglings Look Like? The baby tawny owls are very fluffy and light brown. Before they can fly, they start experimenting with branches.

    Long-eared Owl

    This owl has long plumes that are ambiguous to the ears. This hunter operates at night, and its abundant homes include forests and open fields.

    Scientific Name: Asio otus

    Habitat: Long-eared owls inhabit woodland and places close to fields.

    Migration: Some move from one area to another during winter, mainly searching for food.

    Appearance: This owl is brown and has long plumes resembling its ears.

    Beak: Their beak is slightly curved and relatively thick; they feed on small animals.

    Feathers: They have well-developed and dense plumage with well-dispersed patterns that make them easily visible.

    Feeding Habits: The two owls consume mice, voles, and small birds. They hunt at night.

    Nesting Behaviors: Long-eared owls use old nests made by other birds.

    Mating Behaviors: Males simplify their food calls and perform ‘wing-clapping’ to attract the females.

    Breeding Season: They breed in spring.

    What Does Its Eggs Like? They lay white and smooth eggs. A female lays about 3-8 eggs.

    What Does Its Fledglings Look Like? Baby long-eared owls are fluffy, and grey dominates their plumage. It roosts at a nearby branch about the nest.

    Short-eared Owl

    The Short-eared Owl has bright yellow eyes and small ear tufts. It hunts in grassy fields during the day.

    Scientific Name: Asio flammeus

    Habitat: Short-eared owls are inhabitants of grasslands and marshes.

    Migration: Some short-eared owls move to warmer regions during the cold season’s approach.

    Appearance: These owls are brown, and their eyes are bright yellow. They have tiny ear tufts.

    Beak: They have a strong and black beak ideal for hunting the prey they eat.

    Feathers: They are local birds with small and light feathers, usually colored brown like most grasses.

    Feeding Habits: Short-eared owls are active all day or hunt only during daylight hours. Their diets consist of mice, voles, and small birds.

    Nesting Behaviors: They remain on the ground and make their nests on tall grass.

    Mating Behaviors: Males buzz in circles and give split calls to attract a female.

    Breeding Season: Another type can breed in late spring and early summer.

    What Does Its Eggs Like? They lay white eggs on grassy floors and usually in specially built nests.

    What does its Fledgling look like? It is covered with fluffy, brown plumage and is as tiny as a baby when it is born. Moths keep themselves out of sight until they can fly.

    Little Owl

    The Little Owl is the smallest in the United Kingdom. It has speckled plumage and feeds on insects and other small animals at dawn and dusk.

    Scientific Name: Athene noctua

    Habitat: The little owl is a habitat generalist and can be found in orchards, farmlands, and rocky country.

    Migration: Badaggy owls are in their range and do not move around.

    Appearance: They are relatively small; they have brown and white feathers with yellow eyes.

    Beak: They have a short but firm beak, used in capturing insects and small animals for food.

    Feathers: Little owls are small-sized with soft plumage, and the underparts of each feather are speckled to blend with the ground.

    Feeding Habits: For example, they feed on insects, worms, and other small-sized mammals. They hunt at dawn and dusk.

    Nesting Behaviors: Little owls are territorial birds that live in broken country, in tree holes, in walls, or the ruins of buildings.

    Mating Behaviors: Males sing to make the females follow them and bring food as a gift.

    Breeding Season: They breed in late spring.

    What Does Its Eggs Like? They have small white-colored eggs. The female lays between 3 and 5 eggs.

    What Does Its Fledglings Look Like? Little owls are babies. They are fluffy and grey. They remain near the nest until they can fly on the wings.

    What Is the Biggest Owl in the UK?

    The Eurasian Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo) is the biggest in the United Kingdom. This owl is large and mighty. It can have a wingspan of up to 1.5-2 meters; if we compare it with a car, even a toy car can barely fit. The Eurasian Eagle Owls have especially peculiar orange eyes, large ear tufts, and thick feathers. It eats rabbits, rats, and sometimes small birds.

    These owls live in rocky regions as well as mountainous forests. Though very few in the UK, you might find them in Scotland or other less populated areas. Based on its appearance, the Eurasian Eagle Owl is a big bird, and it is also powerful and looks like a king of owls.

    What Is the Smallest Owl in the UK?

    The least known owl species in the UK is the Little Owl (Athene noctua). This species is about the size of a blackbird. Although it is tiny, it is very active and courageous! Yellow eyes and speckled feathers characterize little owls. They drink blood and eat insects, worms, and small animals.

    Little owls prefer habitats in farmlands, orchards, and rocks. During the day, they can be seen perching on fences or branches of trees in the neighborhood. They are dwarf and agile, though, the hunters of the swamp.

    How Many Types of Owl Are There in the UK?

    There are five main types of owls in the UK:

    1. Barn Owl
    2. Tawny Owl
    3. Long-eared Owl
    4. Short-eared Owl
    5. Little Owl

    All these owls are different and have peculiar behavior. Overall, there are large owls and small owls. Some hunt in the evening, while others hunt in the morning or during the day. These owls make the UK a great country to visit for any birding enthusiast.

    What Does the Owl Symbolize in the UK?

    Owls are known as wise creatures and mysterious in Great Britain. The huge eyes of owls are why inhabitants of different countries consider these birds clever. In stories and books, owls are often portrayed as being wise and doing helpful things.

    Protection is also a virtue associated with owls; they are also associated with guidance. While interviewing the subjects, several said that owls are associated with good luck or are their guardians at night. These amazing birds have enjoyed many years in the UK, where they are greatly attracted for their love and admiration.


    Owls bear all the characteristics of actually being unique birds in the UK. Everything is from the great and mighty Eurasian Eagle Owl to the wise and shrewd Little Owl. Besides, they are useful birds in nature since they tackle small animals as they equally achieve a balance.

    Owls help entertain people and inspire them by their sight. They help us retain the feel of the night and the mystery of nature. The information about five big UK owls makes people understand how extraordinary these birds are.

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