When do Birds Nest and How Can We Help Them
Birds are an important part of our ecosystem and they play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of nature. They not only provide us with beautiful melodies, but also play an important role in pollination and seed dispersal.
When do birds nest and how can we help them during their nesting season? In this article, we'll answer these questions and provide some tips on how to support our feathered friends.

During nesting season, birds need a lot of food and water to nourish themselves and their young. Provide a bird feeder and bird bath in your backyard to help them thrive. The ideal height for a bird bath is between 2 to 3 feet above the ground. This height attracts a greater number of birds while minimizing the risk of predation. Furthermore, bird baths positioned at this height are less accessible to cats, keeping the birds safe.
2. Provide nesting boxes or birdhouses

3. Provide necessary nesting materials for birds

Birds require materials such as dried twigs, leaves, and grass to create their nests. You can provide these materials by placing them in a pile outside or draping them over vegetation in your yard. Another option is to leave out human or animal hair for the nest.
However, it's crucial to avoid putting out tinsel, plastic, or tin foil because these materials can be dangerous for birds. Remember to choose only natural and safe materials for birds to use in their nests.
4. Keep the nesting environment safe

In addition, it's essential to avoid using pesticides or herbicides in your yard, as they can be lethal to smaller birds. Moreover, birds may unknowingly use herbicide-covered foliage to create their nest, which can be unhealthy for hatchlings. To prevent harm to birds, it's best to avoid using these harmful chemicals during the nesting months of spring and summer.
5. Never approach or touch the nest

Moreover, never approach or touch the nest as visiting the nest could leave your scent, which could attract predators. Although it may be tempting to get a closer look at the nest, revisiting the area could put the birds and hatchlings in danger. Remember to maintain a respectful distance from the nest and allow the birds to raise their young without any interference.
Introducing Birdfy Nest - The World's First Smart Birdhouse that Allows You to Monitor Bird Nesting and Hatching Process

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